Melvyn & Serena

Melvyn & Serena Introduction

Episode 1:
‘Bear Crawl’ Exercise

Episode 2:
‘Leg Scissors’ Exercise

Episode 3:
Work Those Triceps Out

melvyn and serena copy

Episode 4:
Partner Squat with Rotation

partner hip raise

Episode 5:
Partner Hip Raise

Episode 6:
Bicycle Crunches

Episode 7:
Crunch & Climb

Episode 8:
Spinal Balance

melvyn serena side plank womentalk

Episode 9:
Side Plank

Episode 10:
Knee Touch

Episode 11:
Single Leg Arm Reach

Melvyn Serena prone knee raise womentalk

Episode 12:
Prone Knee Raise

Episode 13:
Side Knee Raise with Circles

Episode 14:
Standing Leg Circles

Episode 15:
Toe Tap Balance