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Vivian Hina is the founder of LIPS or Ladies in the Power of Service, an informal group of volunteers that spend their Sundays interacting with the long-term patients at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH).

Having moved to Singapore to work as a domestic worker eight years ago, Vivian, who has always appreciated the spirit of volunteering, rallied her fellow Filipinas in an initiative that she hoped would make a difference in the lives of others. Consisting of mostly Filipino domestic workers who choose to spend their one day off on Sunday volunteering, these big-hearted ladies also organise a variety of activities, ranging from excursions to dance performances, for the patients at IMH. Despite being away from her home for such a long period of time, she still aspires to make her family members back home in the Philippines proud. By giving back to society in whatever manner they can, Vivian and her team of volunteers are taking a big step forward in challenging the many misconceptions associated with foreign domestic workers in Singapore.

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