Evelyn Lee is the founder of Prospect Music Therapy, a social enterprise which uses music therapy methods to promote health and well-being in Singapore. Through her work, she hopes to change the public’s attitudes towards disabilities and to reduce the stigma around therapy.

Hoping to connect with people from all walks of life, Evelyn decided to transform her passion into a full-time career by studying to become a music therapist after a stint in the corporate world. She reaches out to a wide variety of people, from dementia patients to the elderly, by using music as a tool to help them attain various functional goals. As a healthcare professional who believes strongly in the notion of inclusivity, she aims to make her services accessible to all, regardless of one’s gender, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation. With the power of music, she transforms the lives of her patients in meaningful ways by reaffirming their identities and celebrating their strengths.

To learn more about Prospect Music Therapy, you can visit their website at http://www.prospectmusictherapy.com/ for more information.

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